English Chat Room

西口先生が主催されているEnglish Chat Room(英会話)です。

10/23~12/23の間、毎週水曜日17:40~18:40と毎週金曜日14:00~15:00にGlocal LaungeⅠにて開催します。








Part 1: Shawn Clankie, 1990 College of Liberal Arts Graduate, French Major by Saluki Stories: Oral Histories from SIU (anchor.fm)
Part 2: Shawn Clankie, 1990 part 2 by Saluki Stories: Oral Histories from SIU (anchor.fm)

What are you Reading? #2

Shawn Clankie
Professor of Applied Linguistics
I’m reading Shane The Lone Ethnographer by Sally Campbell-Galman.
This is a great book for students, particularly graduate students, who want to do field research. The book is written in cartoon form and is very easy to understand. Students who use this book will be better researchers and will write better. I would encourage my colleagues to read this as well, both as a refresher and so they can recommend it to their students. Your job as supervisor will be easier as a result.
A copy of this book in the university library.
