内容は、毎週テーマに沿ったいろいろなWestern Music (rock, heavy metal, country, folk, pop, ect)をどんどん紹介していきます。
ZoomのミーティングIDは884 0087 0454
Here is the short announcement for the Friday Night Music night.
Each Friday night this semester Clankie-sensei with be hosting “Friday Night Music Night with Clankie-sensei” using Zoom, 90 minutes of western music (rock, heavy metal, country, folk, pop, etc.). Come learn about western music! Each week there is a theme and for ninety minutes we watch music videos and hear about the history in English. There is nothing to do, no homework, no reading. Just come, listen, and enjoy! Clankie-sensei also invites local singers and musicians to join the events, so you will get to hear from local western artists as well. All Shodai students are welcome to join freely.